Monday, July 24, 2006

Right on Time!

"Any my God shall supply all my needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus"
sound familiar?

well. . . it's the praise of my heart!!!

Paul's words ring true daily in the lives of those who surrender themselves - not just part - but all -- totally; their minds, hearts, desires, wants,etc. it's only then can you see God's power -- it's only then can you trust Him, it's only then can you experience the deepth of His love and provision for those He calls His sons and daughters.

Today i had to run to staples to get something for the Mission -- i came back to my office and had a message - after listening to it, i realized it what the caller was calling about -- i returned the message and with in 5 minutes a need i had was met!! it was nothing that i did or said -- it was God planting into one's heart to sow into His ministry on the college campus! all i did was be obedient - I made my requests known - and the peace of God that i couldn't explain despite the stress of this need was wiped away -- even last night as i pondered what was next - what to do -- i had no fear.

and my God supplied my needs - He is right on time! after sharing this praise - and commenting on how i was half way there with having the total need met with my current mission team here at the Mission - my ladies from wisconsin, betty relied - "oh you have plenty of time, thursday is 4 days away" -- so if God can work things out with 4 hours to spare -- i'm sure 4 days is no problem!!

Not to us, but to your Name be the Glory!!


1 comment:

Kiki Cherry said...

God is way cool. Thanks for sharing that.