Sunday, July 16, 2006

where does my time go? -- certainly not where it needs to.

as i think about the next few weeks -- i realize how unprepared i am for all things involved with this season we call "back to school" or the fall.

i need one more month to collect my thoughts, to plan more, to have my ducks in a row - and then add the mission activities to it - i'm feeling overwhelmed by what's to come -- last night as i played with abbey - the dog i'm house sitting for i found myself becoming stressed over what i don't have done - what i'm not ready for.


why must i have every detail down? why must i know all things? -- to control it - yes that's my story -- i need to control all things related to me and my world.


to feel capable -- when will i learn -- my overwhelmedness is because i can't accomplish anything on my own -- BUT. . . BUT -- i can do all things through my Savior who gives me the strength

why is that so hard to remember and focus on? - cuz i'm stuborn what's why -- my faith with only grow when i seek first His things and make His things my things - then all things will fall into place -- cuz i'm out of control!

so the point to my rambling is simple -- i must work harder at being out of control - and resting in His strength! - then the things of what's to come - the things i'm not ready for - will not worry me or overwhelm me cuz i'll be standing with His strength and promises.

sorry - my devo. to myself


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