Monday, July 10, 2006

when will i learn. . .?

so, friday after checking my email, i felt like a loser and slacker -- as if all my skills as a campus minister were useless -- a few sure things seemed to fall apart -- what was i going to do?

so, i immediately went into problem-solving - let's fix it mode. several phone calls later -- nothing -- i found myself asking what now?! -- it took a moment but i realized i was leaning on me and my understanding -- i needed not do that -- i needed to remember day #2 of vbs and song i taught the kids

i will be trust'n God with all my heart, no matter what, no matter where, no matter when, i will depend on Him, i will not lean on my own understand, in everything i do, got to have the courage to trust'n God

so - i began to listen to the song -- i was driving home to take a shower and pick up a few items for friday night camping and i remember saying - "you know the situation God, please work it out"

a few phone calls later - after my shower - and wow! -- i have peace -- and then today -- a phone call to a pastor that i didn't think would even be useful -- is!

the point to the story kids is this, in own strength - we suck - we think we can do it and yes, we even and give off the illusion of it - but when it come down to it -- are plans are build on houses of cards, which can and will fall. BUT -- BUT God's ways are not ours - He just asks us to stop being bull-headed and seek His help - ask for it, He will not fail and He will not steer us in the wrong direction. He has our best and His glory in mind!

which leads me back to the question of this post -- When will I learn to trust rather than struggle on my own? -- i guess that's the reason for faith - and the working out of my salvation with fear and trembling -- the salavation process is a daily journey of submission,teachableness, and appling what's been instructed. may i love seek to be carried rather than to be the carrier of my own life.

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