Friday, June 30, 2006

cell phone hell

for 4 years i've had the pleasure or displeasure -- depends on the day -- of having sprint as my wireless carrier

not soo bad -- decent customer service and for the most part good signal. . . until now. . .

not sure what's up with my satanic phone -- but it seems that there is a signal shield around my house and about a 2 block radius around my house

it seems that my phone just doesn't seem to want to make call or for that matter stay connected to a call -- i thought losing my phone at walmart was a big pain in the butt - but then i was able to get this cool phone for half price -- now i know why -- the phone sucks!!

sure it worked fine for about the first month -- had signal everywhere - even places i didn't before -- but now -- not sure -- thank goodness for verizon -- it seems my wireless universe is somehow flip-flopped.

at first i hated my new mission cell phone - and i've hated verizon for some time -- i didn't have any or much signal where i had prior - but now . . . but now. . . if find myself reaching for my mission phone not only at home, but in my office, on route 18, on route 60, even on the turnpike -- either my phone really does suck or sprint's slogan of "yes, you can" is crap -- cuz no i can't!!

sorry - just a few rants about my life connected to the wireless network of cell phones!


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