Wednesday, June 20, 2007

sinus infection - oh how i love thy!

went to bed thurday night feeling great - woke up friday with a sour throat and a fever - how's that for a good night's rest?!

after sleeping most of the weekend - in the heat - i wasn't feeling better - so, i did what i hate to do - go to the doctor's - and i'm glad i did (did i really say that?)

not only do i have a sinus infection - but i have some fluid in not one, but both of my ears - fun, fun, fun! but i was able to get another $.10 off of gas after getting my meds. - the prescriptions helped me to push past the $50 mark - usually it takes me a month or two to spend that much at Gaint Eagle - but not this time!

here it is day 2 of meds. and i'm. . . not AS tired, don't have a sore throat any more but i am not stuffed up - where i wasn't before and my ears still feel oh so fluidy - i'm hoping it gets better cause i really hate doctor's.


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